

Sep 18, 2023

Rep. Harder Calls Out Surge of Copper Metal Theft to FBI, Asks for Resources to Fight It

WASHINGTON - This morning, Representative Josh Harder sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray demanding more information and resources for fighting the surge of copper metal theft following the news that San Joaquin County has the highest levels of copper wire theft in the country. Similar to the wave of catalytic converter thefts for their high-value precious metals, the increased cost of copper is triggering a new wave of theft. Copper thieves are exploiting this demand and the resulting price surge by stealing and selling the metal to recyclers. Copper can be resold for $2 - 4 per pound, while cost to damaged phone lines and piping is exponentially higher.

"The phone lines, plumbing, and power in our neighborhoods is being threatened by copper thieves," said Representative Harder. "When they’re cutting and stealing copper from emergency phone lines, we suddenly have a major public safety issue on our hands that we can't ignore. Getting our law enforcement enough resources and information to find and stop these copper thieves should be our first priority. We took action when catalytic converter theft was on the rise, and we take similar action now."

A recent copper wire theft left San Joaquin's 911 Center without the ability to receive calls.

This builds on Representative Harder's work to get San Joaquin County law enforcement the proper resources to safely and effectively do their jobs.

A copy of the full letter can found here and below:

Director Wray,

I write to request that the Federal Bureau of Investigation provide updated information and resources regarding copper theft in the United States. My district currently has the highest rate of copper wire theft in the country.

I am gravely concerned that we are experiencing a significant increase in copper theft in our communities. The opportunity for a quick profit, coupled with an abundance of vulnerable sources, is resulting in the perfect opportunity for individuals and organized criminal groups to attack our neighborhoods.

This string of crimes is impacting communities across the country. In the last few weeks, there have been reports of copper theft in Texas, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and California. In my district, local news stations are reporting a 139% increase in copper wire thefts over the last four months. The theft of copper is straining San Joaquin County's emergency services, local law enforcement, businesses, and service companies. This threat to public infrastructure and private property requires collaboration from all aspects of government.

Given there is a rapid increase in copper theft nationwide, I believe it is imperative that the FBI provide technical assistance and updated guidance on how impacted communities can respond to this crime spree.
